Who: Magnify Consulting

What: Sales – strategy, CRM, outsourced, tradeshows

NZ HQ: Wellington

Who do you work with and what key challenges do you help them solve?

At Magnify, we help founders of SMEs to grow a healthy sales pipeline – without the risk of hiring.

Magnify is a full-service sales agency – sales strategy + sales process, CRM set up (HubSpot), sales training + coaching, outsourced sales + business development, trade shows, trade fairs, expos + events.

We’re here to help you do sales, or to do sales for you in a visible, transparent way. Sales tech changes, but at the very heart – sales is about building positive relationships that sustain your business.

Key services and resources

We’re building B2B sales pipeline and revenue, especially for tech, IT, engineering and professional services sectors.

  1. B2B outsourced sales – Contract sales + business development, part-time fractional expertise.
  2. Sales strategy + sales process – Get set up for sales success.
  3. CRM set up (HubSpot) – Sales tech that grows with you.
  4. Sales training + coaching – Yes, you can increase your sales skills + confidence.
  5. Trade shows + trade fairs + expos + events – Get more ROI from your investment at events.

What excites you about the work you do?

Every day, we get to use our sales strategy and skills to grow pipeline and revenue for some of the most talented founders and business owners on the planet. Sales is the engine room for your business. We’re literally powering the economy – one healthy sales pipeline at a time.

It’s exciting to be part of your growth story!

What recent news and highlights can you share about your work and impact?

Since forming in 2014, we’re excited to be part of the sales growth story for more than 50 businesses.

  • Sales strategy, coaching + CRM
  • Fractional, outsourced sales
  • Trade shows, expos + events

We support you and your business to grow a healthy sales pipeline.

Magnify specialises in growing pipeline for B2B services businesses, with high-value offerings and long sales cycles – engineering, tech, IT and professional services.

It’s our job to set founders and business leaders up for sales success.
We build pipeline, while we’re building your sales function.

Magnify works in a visible, transparent way with clients.
The handover process is thorough and comprehensive – so you can do sales yourself if you want to.

And when we complete a sales growth project?
You’re left with:

  • A healthy sales pipeline
  • A well-run CRM that’s got more opportunity for you to mine
  • Better forecasting to help your team with long-range planning

Across several of our retainer projects, the stats are clear on the value you’ll get.
For every $1 spent on sales, most clients gain:

  • $1-2 in Closed Won Sales, and
  • $5-10 in Sales Pipeline

When you’re ready to grow sales, let’s talk.

Knowledge Base: The relevance of selling for business owners with Mary Crampton, Magnify Consulting

What message or offer would you like to share with the NZ Entrepreneur community?

You can’t grow sales without a healthy sales pipeline. If you want to identify and fix the gaps in your sales pipeline, check out our Sales Insight Audit.

Or get in touch to arrange a friendly Zoom call or meeting at our office in Johnsonville, Wellington.


Supporter Spotlight: Offers and services from NZ Entrepreneur supporters!

About this feature: Our goal is to showcase products and services that we think you may be interested in. As such this Q&A feature was completed and sponsored by the team at Magnify Consulting.

news, Insights and events from Magnify Consulting

Magnify Consulting

Supporter Profile: Magnify Consulting


Who: Magnify Consulting What: Sales – strategy, CRM, outsourced, tradeshows NZ HQ: Wellington Who do you work with and what key challenges do you help them solve? At Magnify, we help founders of SMEs to grow a healthy sales pipeline – without the risk of hiring. Magnify is a full-service sales agency – sales strategy […]

Magnify Consulting

Speed up your slow sales cycle


Has your sales cycle lengthened? You’re not alone. Rocky economies, hybrid work arrangements, and complex internal issues means more buyers find it harder than ever to reach a decision. More decision-makers, more options, and more risk-aversion. Add seasonal peaks and troughs. It’s no wonder opportunities stall, and buyers refuse to budge. So, how can you […]

Magnify Consulting

Smart sales strategy in a recession – even on a low budget


Whatever you’re facing, there are smart sales strategies you can deploy to combat the recession, even on a low budget. Better still – some of these sales strategies are free (apart from your time!). ONE – GIVE CLIENTS SOMETHING VALUABLE Even if your budget didn’t stretch to Christmas gifts, you’ve still got something highly valuable […]

Magnify Consulting

Maximise your ROI at trade fairs and expos


Are you happy with the ROI (Return on Investment) you get from trade fairs and expos? Or do you want to turn up the sales revenue? Trade fairs and expos are big – and they’re back! Goodbye Covid years and hello in-person events. With AI and tech on the rise, and more people missing real-life […]

Magnify Consulting

Knowledge Base: The relevance of selling for business owners with Mary Crampton, Magnify Consulting


Watch now: (16 mins) In this edition of Knowledge Base, Richard Liew talks about selling and the relevance of selling for business owners with Mary Crampton, founder and Principal Consultant at Magnify Consulting. They unpack some of the key questions new business owners often have about selling including whether or not it’s something that business […]

Magnify Consulting

10 reasons why your sales pipeline isn’t delivering consistent sales


Has your sales pipeline slowed and you want to increase revenue? Even in a tight market, there are ways to grow a healthy pipeline that delivers consistent sales revenue – just like your sales pipeline should! If you’re wondering what to do to unblock your sales pipeline and get your sales revenue flowing, this check-list […]

Magnify Consulting

Sales Strategy for the new financial year – Three key things every business owner must do


With the new financial year beginning on April 1st, it is a critical time to lay the foundations for your sales success in the year ahead. Here are three key things you can do at the start of a new financial year to get your sales rolling. 1. TAKE THE BEST FROM LAST YEAR AND […]

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How to ask for the sale


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Let’s talk Sales Strategy 2021


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Five other reasons your sales pipeline has slowed


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Top five revenue growth KPI’s for selling in a tight economy


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In uncertain times, grow sales by selling certainty


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selling b2b services

Five tactics for selling B2B services in tough times


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8 predictions that will affect the way we sell this decade


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your price is too low

10 ways to tell if your price is too low


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How to build a healthy sales pipeline


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magnify consulting

Sales and marketing strategy – planning your journey to sales success


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How to Breathe Life Back Into Cold Clients


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Are salespeople still relevant? Part One


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