We are all selling in a volatile, uncertain environment. There are still opportunities, but you might just have to look a little harder to find them. And maybe sell something extra to encourage customers with budget to stop ‘sitting on their hands’.

One of the biggest sales growth opportunities right now, is to sell what your customers really want. Certainty.

Customers need certainty:

  • to build trust;
  • to help them progress with meetings and emails;
  • to help them choose to buy.

Here are five ways you can give clients the certainty they crave and deliver your sales breakthrough in the current market.

One – Tell better data stories

Good data stories show your potential clients that you deliver a real, quantifiable difference. This helps decrease purchasing risk and gives certainty.

A well-crafted data story helps remove risk by showing that doing business with you is a complete no-brainer. Simple data stories are best.

Your data story could read something like:

“For every $1 clients spend, they get $xx in (name the benefit you deliver).”

For example, if you design heating solutions…

“For every $1 clients spend, they save $xx on their monthly power bill.”

Even if you deliver bespoke projects, there will be common outcomes. Look for these, express them in simple language that your customers will easily understand. Then start sharing them. Clients love results, and results deliver certainty.

Two – Gather social proof

Show that others have purchased and are happy. There are so many places to check for social proof. Choose the channels where your clients are most likely to be.

How many of the following does your business currently have?

  • Referrals on LinkedIn
  • Reviews on Google My Business
  • Likes and comments on your business Facebook page
  • Reviews on relevant industry websites

The great thing about social proof is that it is real, from real people just like your potential customers. This helps give certainty that the reviews are true. Any spelling and grammar mistakes just add to the authentic voices of your happy customers.

Three – Showcase your testimonials

Do you have a process for gathering testimonials from happy customers? Make it easy for customers to give feedback, and to then confirm permission for you to use their testimonials in your sales and marketing material.

Testimonials can vary from one sentence, to a couple of paragraphs. Video testimonials from customers are also very powerful.

Make sure that your testimonials speak to the full range of problems that you solve.

Collecting client logos is an incredibly powerful way to gather testimonials. You may not even need to worry about any words. A solid block of logos from happy clients is very convincing. Again, remember to get permission to use the logos. Most customers will be happy to help.

Four – Ask for referrals

People buy from people. We are still wired that way. And nothing is more powerful than a real person telling another real person about a valuable product/service that they are very happy with.

Happy customers are usually more than happy to refer business to you. The only catch is that you might have to ask them to do this. Once they know you are looking to solve problems for more people just like them, most people are happy to support your business growth. Some customers prefer to refer you quietly, others will be happy to give you names of people who might also appreciate your help.

One of the most powerful referrals is to help a potential client talk to an existing client. Be sure to check with your existing clients in advance. Then your referral process is streamlined if a potential client asks for direct feedback.

Five – Deliver an authentic experience

Again – people buy from people. So, let your customers experience you. Authenticity gives people certainty about how great it would be to work or shop with you and your team.

Look at your website:

  • How can the customer experience you, apart from text and images?
  • Are there videos your customers can watch, to get a sense of who you are and the difference you deliver?
  • Do you offer webinars or podcasts? Are there recordings your potential customers can view/listen to?
  • Can they sign up for a masterclass? For future webinars? For events?
  • How about booking a strategy call direct from your website?

Begin by choosing one experience you want your customers to have. Plan how this will work for your business, then implement it.

Are you selling enough certainty to grow your sales and revenue opportunities? Review these five key areas to see where you can start selling certainty today.

Mary Crampton is the owner and principal consultant at Magnify Consulting.

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