Work Rehab and Fit For Work are joining forces to provide the most comprehensive range of occupational health services available from any company in New Zealand.
“This joint venture will greatly benefit Kiwi businesses wanting a single nationwide supplier of integrated occupational health services,” Director Lenny O’Connell said.
“The new company will retain the Fit For Work name because we believe it perfectly describes what we are all about it – providing everything that people need to get them fit for work and life, following an illness or injury,” he said
A collaborative approach from specialists encompassing all medical, occupational and legal aspects of managing the health and wellbeing of workers will be one of Fit For Work’s great strengths. It will also be the only occupational health services company in New Zealand to employ its own occupational health physicians.
Director Dr David Beaumont said, “When people of working age aren’t working they disengage from life including their everyday social connections and their ability to support themselves and their families.”
“It’s not easy getting someone who has been seriously unwell or injured back into work but international best practice says a team approach is best,” he said. “We also know that good work will improve a person’s health, relationships with whanau and the community, and of course businesses reap the rewards of better engagement, retention and productivity.”
The range of services offered by Fit For Work includes worker health and wellness education; workplace assessments and return to work programmes; occupational environmental monitoring; and medical and ‘fitness for work’ testing.
About Fit For Work
To find out more about the company, visit the new Fit For Work website www.fitforwork.co.nz or find it on Facebook ‘Fit For Work NZ’.
For more information/interviews please contact:
Michele Hider
Priority Communications
0275 513 458