Magnify Consulting

Knowledge Base: The relevance of selling for business owners with Mary Crampton, Magnify Consulting


Watch now: (16 mins) In this edition of Knowledge Base, Richard Liew talks about selling and the relevance of selling […]

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Magnify Consulting

10 reasons why your sales pipeline isn’t delivering consistent sales


Has your sales pipeline slowed and you want to increase revenue? Even in a tight market, there are ways to […]

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how to ask for the sale

How to ask for the sale


If 2020 showed us anything about the sales profession, it’s that some of us have become de-skilled in “the Ask”. […]

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Grow sales in 2021

Three ways to get sales pumping at the start of each year


It’s a fresh new year but you’ll need to take decisive action to grow your revenue. Here are three key […]

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sales strategy 2021

Let’s talk Sales Strategy 2021


All businesses now have one very good thing – six months of post-Covid sales data. Used right this can give […]

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Sales pipeline

Five other reasons your sales pipeline has slowed


So, your sales pipeline has slowed or stopped delivering altogether. Aside from a global pandemic, there could be several reasons […]

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KPI's for selling

Top five revenue growth KPI’s for selling in a tight economy


With the tighter economy, you might just be taking a closer look at your sales pipeline. A healthy sales pipeline […]

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selling in uncertain times

In uncertain times, grow sales by selling certainty


We are all selling in a volatile, uncertain environment. There are still opportunities, but you might just have to look […]

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selling b2b services

Five tactics for selling B2B services in tough times


Like bomb-shelter survivors after a nuclear blast, business owners have emerged into a post-COVID economic landscape that has been utterly […]

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sales predictions

8 predictions that will affect the way we sell this decade


Forget about a new financial year, we’re about to enter a new financial decade. What are your sales goals for […]

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