The Online Business Accelerator team are running a free live webinar on Friday 5 July, to help Kiwi businesses generate more visitors, enquiries and warmer leads from your website.

Your (virtual) pass includes $250 worth of Facebook and website marketing templates, swipe sheets along with a fill-in-the-blanks booklet, so that you can personalise the content to your own business and immediate goals.

Specifically, online marketing experts Jonathan Callinan and Jeremy Hobin will be revealing some of the most costly marketing myths, and then three smarter, time-saving tweaks to help you rev up your current website conversions; whether that’s additional customer leads, appointment bookings or product sales.

Many of these lead generation insights have also been shared at their popular β€˜Clients on Demand’ workshops, over the past couple of years.

Some of the feedback from these events can be viewed on the webinar registration page.

If you are considering some fresh ideas and ways to increase customer revenue for your business, this live webinar will definitely provide a timely Winter boost!

What: Free online marketing webinar

When: 2pm Friday 5 July

Who: Jonathan Callinan and Jeremy Hobin

How to Register: Visit

Supporter Spotlight: Offers and services from NZ Entrepreneur supporters!


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