After 35 years in sales and marketing I’ve noticed something very interesting. If you position and market yourself the right way you can get good numbers of ideal clients to approach you about buying your products and using your services.
To do this effectively you need to use a “magnetic” prospecting strategy that does two things.
ONE: They should position you as an expert in your field.
TWO: They should make it very easy for a potential client to make contact with you.
Here is a proven magnetic prospecting strategy that will help you to do both these things in your business.
Special reports are a fantastic way to ‘attract’ new customers and clients to your business like a magnet attracts iron filings. One of the best things about using special reports is that it eliminates the hard work of ‘chasing’ new clients.
It’s a lot more fun when they are ‘attracted’ to your business as a result of ordering or reading your special report compared to you having to ‘chase’ them and try and get them to talk to you.
How to create an effective special report
1) Give it an interesting title that will make potential clients keen to read it.
• The shocking truth about cosmetic surgery
• Five things you should know about hiring great people for your business
• How to solve the two biggest money problems faced by people over 40
2) Include valuable and useful ideas and tips in your special report.
• Explain the steps involved in buying and using your product or service.
• Show customers the potential problems that can happen and how to avoid them.
• Tell customers the common mistakes that people make when buying your product or service and give them the most important questions they should always ask.
• Include information that will help your customers to more effectively solve their problems or reach their goals
• Do all this in a way that is simple and easy to understand.
3) Make sure your special report looks attractive, maybe even have a few copies digitally printed and use them to promote your business.
Here’s a good example.
A business that did expensive office fit outs created a special report called ‘The 3 Critical Steps to a Successful Office Fit Out.’ This special report contained a large number of ‘how to’ ideas that were invaluable for anybody planning an expensive office fit out.
The special report covered the common mistakes people made in office fit outs and explained how to avoid them.
It also showed some simple ‘tricks of the trade’ that a person could use to save time and money in successfully completing any office fit out. And it contained some great testimonials from some of their best clients.
There are dozens of ways to get potential clients ordering or reading your special report. You can offer it on your website, advertise it with display ads, send out personal letters or emails inviting people to order it and so on.
Best of all, once a person reads your special report you will have instant credibility and this makes it very easy for them to choose your business to spend their money with. Invest some time and create a special report for your business that potential clients would find useful.