Founder/s: Patrick Malley, Christoph Kistler, Kerrin Roberts
HQ: Whangarei & Auckland
What problems do you solve and what products or services do you sell?
Dataphyll is a horticultural software provider delivering tools for orchardists to manage their staff and activities, in the field, in real-time.
Who and where are your target customers?
Our target customers are fruit growers and their orchards. Dataphyll takes orchards beyond timesheets and delivers automated staff management, efficient payroll data capture and live accurate analytics to allow growers to make infield data driven decisions.

What are your biggest unique selling points?
We provide automated piece-rate harvesting and orchard management systems that can enable live management of staff quality and performance, report live on minimum wage requirements and compliance, and automatically push data through to payroll.
Dataphyll eliminates orchard paperwork, provide staff accuracy to the gram, and allows growers to save time and money so that they can focus on their businesses.

What’s been the most difficult part of your entrepreneurial journey so far?
Working on a startup whilst also working fulltime to make ends meet is easily one of the hardest things about our early days of Dataphyll.
It is always satisfying to be past the point of bootstrapping a business and being able to focus on what you want to achieve.
What’s your Number 1 entrepreneur productivity hack for getting things done?Β
Keep going once everyone else has stopped.
With all of the distractions created by mobile phones, emails, multiple kids, etc, I find that my most productive time is when the official day has ended and I can just focus on finishing work and replying to emails.
What did you like most about the ecentre Sprint programme?
The weekly meetings with fellow business founders, business mentors and industry professionals was for me the most important part of the Sprint Launch programme.
Working every day inside your own business, you donβt realise how powerful it is to be able to engage with other passionate business people and work through ideas, concepts and issues.