Who: BlueRock
What: Business Funding Advisory
NZ HQ: Christchurch, Canterbury
Who do you work with and what key challenges do you help them solve?
BlueRock NZ helps entrepreneurial kiwi businesses fund their growth and innovation projects.
Entrepreneurs can cut the cost of innovation – and boost business cashflow – with government funding for research and development, but navigating the rulebooks can be challenging.
BlueRock provides independent advice, and prepares the applications you need, to secure your business grants and tax refunds.
Key BlueRock NZ R&D Funding Services and Resources:
- Free consultations on your business innovation funding strategy. Whether you’re eyeing up a grant, or wondering if you’re maximising tax incentives, run it past us for a no-obligations, confidential opinion. Book a slot with: https://www.thebluerock.co.nz/services/grants-incentives/
- Check-out our growing library of free articles on funding, business growth, and entrepreneurial topics: https://www.thebluerock.co.nz/knowledgebase/
- Research and Development Tax Incentive (RDTI) claims: – tax credits or refunds for businesses small and large, without the hassle. If you’re developing new products, services or software in NZ, this one’s for you: https://www.thebluerock.co.nz/services/grants-incentives/rdti/
- R&D Loss Tax Credit claims: a little-known but valuable program to ‘cash-out’ business losses from investment in R&D. Are you getting your refunds https://www.thebluerock.co.nz/resources/how-to-secure-r-d-loss-tax-credit/
- New-to-R&D Grant applications: Your best option if you’re just starting out on your innovation adventure. Now available to more businesses than ever before: https://www.thebluerock.co.nz/services/grants-incentives/new-to-r-d-grant/
What excites you about the work you do?
Untapped potential. We are constantly hearing brilliant ideas from Kiwi business leaders that can make a real difference to the world. Let’s fetch these ideas the funding they deserve.
Watch >> July 2024 Lunchtime Tech Session with Corey Laverty and Tom Moore from Blue Rock
What recent news and highlights can you share about your work and impact?
- Since launching in Christchurch two years ago we’ve been impressed by the vibrancy and community spirit in the local and national technology sector. We have since helped this community fund more than $25m of innovation and R&D projects.
- We are proud to have maintained a 100% funding rate to date, for NZ applications to R&D grants and the Research and Development Tax Incentive. This is a significant achievement given the complexity of the R&D definitions, and the challenges when we sometimes begin work with a client part-way through their claims process.
- The more innovative businesses we meet across Aotearoa, the more we discover missed opportunities to qualify for government R&D funding. Many loss-making companies haven’t even applied for refunds they are eligible for. From missed deadlines to mis-interpreted rules, overly narrow claims or over- charged advisory services – the potential benefits to boost innovation are startling.
What message or offer would you like to share with the NZ Entrepreneur community?
R&D funding doesn’t have to be a headache. We’ve walked the ropes and can help you make the most of the system. Every year, more businesses large and small are claiming R&D credits and refunds they’re entitled to. And every day, our advisors are taking calls from businesses just like yours, offering straightforward and independent advice on your business funding strategy. Reach out today, and see what’s on offer: https://www.thebluerock.co.nz/services/grants-incentives/
About this feature: Our goal is to showcase products and services that we think you may be interested in. As such this Q&A feature was completed and sponsored by the team at BlueRock.
News, Insights and Events from Bluerock
BlueRock helps entrepreneurial SMEs access thousands in R&D tax incentives
Two Christchurch-based business advisors are facilitating innovation and growth in Kiwi SMEs and early-stage companies by helping them access thousands of dollars in tax incentives they would otherwise have missed out on. BlueRock, a multidisciplinary Australian advisory firm, expanded to New Zealand in 2022. Led by Christchurch-raised director Tom Moore, the business aims to help […]
Supporter Profile: BlueRock
Who: BlueRock What: Business Funding Advisory NZ HQ: Christchurch, Canterbury Who do you work with and what key challenges do you help them solve? BlueRock NZ helps entrepreneurial kiwi businesses fund their growth and innovation projects. Entrepreneurs can cut the cost of innovation – and boost business cashflow – with government funding for research and […]