In Founder Focus we introduce entrepreneurs and change-makers working on innovative startups, social enterprises and SME’s around Aotearoa New Zealand.
At a glance
Founders: Jim Grierson and David Eder
Business: The cGP Lab
Founded: 2020
HQ: Auckland
Can you tell us a bit about your business?
We offer health supplements containing a dipeptide called cyclic Glycine-Proline or cGP for short. cGP offers many health benefits, especially for brain health, circulation and metabolic health. Our range of health supplements called cGPMAX® supports the health needs of the aging demographic. Anyone over the age of 50 will benefit from taking our products. I take our Brain Health product daily and I’m pleased to report that my middle-aged brain feels sharper and I’m able to find words faster than before. I feel refreshed, like how a good night’s sleep feels.
We have two products currently – cGMPAX Brain Health, and cGPMAX Cardiovascular Health. Both products contain a standardised dose of natural cGP and this is our core point of difference. We are the only company in the world making and marketing products with a standardised dose of cGP.
Our products are enhanced with other natural ingredients which have synergistic effects. cGPMAX Brain Health also contains Bacopa extract which has been used in traditional medicine for memory for centuries. cGPMAX Cardiovascular Health also contains Grapeseed extract and Mango powder which work by relaxing blood vessels to help lower blood pressure.
Our next big goal is developing a medicated food for diabetic peripheral neuropathy – a rapidly growing unmet clinical need.
What’s the backstory for your business idea?
The idea for The cGP Lab came about following a chance meeting between two blackcurrant growers and a world-leading scientist. That scientist, Dr Jian Guan is now our Chief Scientist. She has spent over 30 years of her life researching the benefits of cGP. Sensing a chance to innovate beyond the known benefits of blackcurrants, we embarked on a journey of discovery to understand the relationship between blackcurrants and cGP.
The most influential thing that gave us the confidence to pursue this innovation was Dr Guan’s publication showing that when you give cGP as a supplement to patients – in this case, those suffering Parkinson’s – cGP crosses the blood brain barrier and can deliver benefits to the brain. This was a world-first finding and it is the main discovery covered in our first patent.
What programmes, learning or mentoring, or resources have been of assistance so far?
We have had assistance from Callaghan Innovation from the start of our R&D journey, in the form of the R&D tax incentive. We would encourage other founders to make contact with Callaghan, they are helpful and can point you in the right direction in terms of understanding what funding your company might be eligible for.