It’s time to celebrate the New Zealand organisations championing diversity and inclusion in the workplace.
Entries are now open for the Diversity Awards NZ 2017, with the event celebrating its 20th anniversary this year.
Diversity Works New Zealand Chief Executive Bev Cassidy-Mackenzie says the awards are a fantastic opportunity for businesses to showcase the work they are doing to create an inclusive culture that will build better teams, develop a good employer brand, gain a competitive advantage and, ultimately, increase their bottom line.
“Every year, our awards grow in stature and size as awareness of the business benefits of diversity and inclusion grows, and we are a keen to attract entries from a variety of organisations and sectors in 2017.
“This is the 20th year we have run the awards programme and our Gala Dinner in Auckland in August will be a very special event.
“Our awards highlight the innovative work that is being done in New Zealand in the diversity and inclusion arena, the benefits it’s provided to local businesses and their people, and how it’s positively impacted the community. As part of the awards process, each diversity initiative entered will be turned into a case study, so organisations can share their strategy, and others can learn from their journey.”
Last year, the NZ Police were the Supreme Award winners at the event, recognising the work they have done to better recruit, retain and promote women.
Organisations can enter in any one of nine awards categories in 2017, with entries closing on May 12.
Find out how to enter or read about previous winners and entrants at www.diversityworksnz.org.nz/diversity-awards
About Diversity Works
Diversity Works New Zealand was formerly the Equal Employment Opportunities Trust.
For more information/interviews please contact:
Bev Cassidy-Mackenzie
Chief Executive
+64 274 397 458