In Founder Focus we introduce entrepreneurs and innovators working on our next generation of new business startups, social enterprises and small businesses.
At a glance
Founder: John Boyle
Business: Dzyn Space
Founded: October 2019
HQ: Canterbury
Can you tell us a bit about your business?
Dzyn Space is a DIY graphic design software platform with the added benefit of a local image library and with the ability for a user to find a freelancer for many other services. Dzyn Space is for anyone who is wanting to create their own designs for all their marketing and communication needs.
Dzyn Space is a cost-effective solution that is easy to use, available 24/7 and enables anyone to create great-looking designs for nearly all marketing channels.
What’s the backstory for your business idea?
As an owner of a traditional printing company, I need to diversify. Firstly I created an e-commerce print platform which I wanted to add a design platform to. After trialling many pre-made solutions, I decided to create the code from scratch. Dzyn Space is the end result which still has a print link but mostly targeted to digital (online) solutions.
What programmes, learning or mentoring have been of assistance so far?
- Have had support from ChristchurchNZ, through the Regional Business Partners fund
- Digital Boost
- And recently through Territory 3 have been accepted into AWS Activate program which will help me with some strategic plans and well as an audit of my software and platform to ensure it is fit to take to the world market