Who: iCollect
What: Debt Collection
NZ HQ: Auckland
Who do you work with and what key challenges do you help them solve?
We service companies looking to chase outstanding debtors who are not paying invoices.
Using our automated iCollect software you can chase the debt without commission while using the weight of three automated debt collection agency letters to get your debtor to pay attention and take you seriously.
- No Commission
- One off debt or monthly pricing plans
- 85% response rate
- Debtor pays/contacts you directly
- No middle man
Take action with confidence to get paid.
Key services and resources
We offer three automated debt collection agency letters.
- Letter One: Debt Collection Agency Engaged
- Letter Two: Credit Default Warning
- Letter Three: Legal Proceedings Warning
Letter Four: Thank you – upon full payment being received.
Loading debts is simple:
- Manual
- Xero
We are here to simplify debt recovery and maximise your results.
What excites you about the work you do?
We love to help keep things simple and get our clients PAID!
Cash flow is king and the life blood to any business.
Sadly not all business models are set up to make sure debtors donβt happen. We are here to help ease the burden and ensure a results driven outcome. By using our software businesses are empowered to keep moving forward with confidence.
What message or offer would you like to share with the NZ Entrepreneur community?
Debtors are not magically going to go away. If your internal follow ups, reminders, emails, texts and calls are being ignored, please make sure that you take steps to chase the debt and seek help.
Any debts in dispute cannot be lodged with a debt collection agency to chase.
Disputed debts under $30K the disputes tribunal is where to go. Alternatively, we suggest you seek legal assistance.
About this feature: Our goal is to showcase products and services that we think you may be interested in. As such this Q&A feature was completed and sponsored by the team at iCollect.